Step Two Part Four: A Power Greater Than Ourselves

Do I have problems accepting that there is a Power or Powers greater than myself?

Not in the broad sense no. I don't have any problem with Powers I can see, comprehend or find evidence for ... it's supernatural / deistic-type Powers I have problems with accepting.

What are some things that are more powerful than I am?

Any organisation, governing or regulatory body, any group of people, or in some cases an exceptional individual ... these and more are all more powerful than me. 

Can a Power greater than myself help me to stay sober? How?

Yes. A group of people who have gone through recovery themselves are bound to have a broad insight into how to recover. They may not have all the answers individually but as a group there is a wealth of experience to draw on. They can offer insights and guidance but I still have to take those things on board and use them. I don't think it's enough just to go to meetings although I did think so to start with.

Can a Power greater than myself help me to recover? How?

There is a difference between recovering and staying sober. This is actually what drew me to start attending AA meetings, because I was already abstinent but wanted to actively start some kind of recovery process ... by which I mean recovering myself as a person ... becoming more "whole".

A Power greater than myself can help me recover in much the same way as it can help me to stay sober. I can work through the steps, I can listen and learn from others, I can practise spiritual principles and I can try to lead an ethical life.

What evidence do I have that a Higher Power is working in my life?

I attend meetings. I learn from what I hear and see. I talk to other AA's and learn from them too. I believe I am making progress and becoming a more "sober" person. I attribute much of that to what I've learnt both within meetings and through the people I've met and talked to. I am learning specifically to "hand things over" where things are not within my remit of control.

What are the characteristics that my Higher Power does NOT have?

I don't really know. I'm torn about what form my Higher Poewer should take. Some kind of combination of the collective wisdom as emplified by AA's 12 Step Program and The Universe itself. Seems kind of silly but a spiritual higher power is what I'm trying to define here.

The characterisitics my HP does not have are;
  • does not intervene directly in my life
  • does not rob me of choice
  • is not a deity or divine
What are the characteristics that my Higher Power has?

  •  is a source of hope, wisdom, courage and inspiration.